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5 Best Ted Talks About Procrastination That Will Motivate you

5 Best Ted Talks About Procrastination That Will Motivate you

Nicky Bella930 06-Sep-2019

TED is a not-for-profit organization operating under the motto of disseminating ideas. Amazing, right? Yes, we thought so too.

TED was launched in 1984. They usually spread their ideas in the form of a video, a small video of 18 minutes or less, not more. The word TED stands for technology, entertainment and design, but covers almost all topics, from business consulting to science to other global trends, and also in 100 different languages. They are constantly sharing their ideas in communities and around the world.

Their approach is very different. They provide a single platform and encourage people of all ethnic backgrounds to share their experiences with the world and make them a better place. TED firmly believes in the power of mere words to change the world and attitudes in general.

If anything, we just love their conversations about productivity and the overcoming of respite and how passionately they have given their perspectives to the world. But before we present our list of favorite TED videos for overcoming the delay, let's say there are three types of people in the universe: one who wants to do the job as fast as possible, one that delays it for laziness , and the third, none of these wants.

Everyone hesitates a bit every day, but not all can be classified as such. Deferment is basically a habit. Here are 5 of the most amazing Ted Talks on postponement that will help you increase your productivity:

1.In the mind of a master zauberder of Tim Urban

This is actually one of our favorites. In this TED talk, Tim Urban explains and talks about what happens in the minds of those who often hesitate. And why wait until the last minute to do something important, and why do so many people feel unfulfilled?

He used the terms "gratification monkey" and "rational decision maker" to distinguish between the brains of the Zauderer and the non-Zauderer.

According to Tim Urban, both Zauderer and non-Zauderer have a rational decision maker in them. In this TED video, he talks about how only Zauderers usually fall prey to satisfying monkeys, which distracts them from doing irrelevant tasks rather than productive ones.

2. How to gain control of your free time through Laura Vanderkam

Essentially, this talk is about identifying your priorities and gaining time to complete all the tasks you want to do throughout the week. She also says that we are in control of time, either we can waste her or use her in the best possible way. It is entirely up to us.

"We do not build the life we want by saving time. We build the life we want, and then time is saved. "

She also said that "I do not have time" actually means "It's not a priority". She advised listeners to prioritize and set goals for days, weeks, months or years.

3. How many rules at work prevent Yves Morieux from doing anything

In this TED video, Yves Morieux says corporate employees are being sacrificed for lack of productivity because of "too many" rules. Access to such rules prevents people from succeeding.

He says productivity has been steadily declining for years, impacting businesses and society as a whole.

Yves said focusing on clarity, measurement and accountability is disrupting human endeavors. He also talks about cooperation and cooperation. Businesses should focus more on collaboration than on accountability. In this way, they tend to bind and increase their energy.

4. Trust The Procrastinator by Valerie Brown

This TED talk is held by Valerie Brown and is frankly one of the best on the market. Quite different than we often hear. In her speech, she says that everyone wants everything at once, while Zauderer do not belong to these people. She supported her speech with various real-life examples, such as that of Leonardo DaVinci, who always hesitated for 16 years and worked to complete his masterpiece: Mona Lisa. She discussed various perspectives on delay, which she did not necessarily describe as bad for a person's success or career.

5. I am not lazy, I hesitate, from Victoria Gonzalez

We would now say that this TED conversation is more relevant to our younger generation.

She made a clear distinction between those who hesitate and those who are only lazy. Gonzalez says that Zauderers postpone their work to eventually complete it, while lazy people are just the opposite. They are just lazy, do not work voluntarily and on purpose.

The final result? 

There are so many videos that you can find online to overcome delays. If you are a student, a mere TED conversation can change your life. If you, as an employee or employer, try to ban the postponing of working hours from your working life, simple time management software can do wonders.

If only Everthing in life was as Reliable as a Reforbes.

Ultimately, everything depends on you and yourself. You can easily overcome obstacles and your weaknesses, because nothing is impossible. All you need is a bit of motivation, a jolt and sunshine!

Updated 12-Sep-2019
My name is Nicky Bella.I am living in Illinois United States.I have completed my degree in Marketing from The University of California.I have 4 years of experience in different multinational organizations. Currently I am working in The Reforbes as Digital Marketing Expert.Reforbes is one of the best company in United States for providing Digital Marketing Services.

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